The natives of Mull just hanging out
The youths of Mull carry on ancient pastimes
Kayaking – Mull style
Driftwood seahorse
Even the cows of Iona kneel to pray
The sight of these onions brought tears to my eyes
Creative use for used plastic bottle tops by the local brownies
What goes on in a Highland coo’s mind
Sarah – don’t look at this picture!
Giant ladybug befriends . . . .
. . . . .giant woodpecker
No newspapers here
Good morning kitty
Anyone need wellies?
Willie warmers Mull style
Hey, I’m on the telly
Oban – a town of contrasts
Let’s see how long I can stand on one leg
I never knew there was an island named after me. A flower – yes!
Charcoal cheese is pitch black
A flight of starfish
Words fail me
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