An easy day for my last day in Oban before departing for Mull and Iona. Again, a grey day was in store and I decided you explore the shops again. This time I hit the charity stores where I found a blouse and a fun purple waistcoat. I also tried on lots of shoes, well, boots really. I’d seen them in the window the evening before. Now that I live in the north of England boots are a daily requirement for several months rather than an occasional item as they were in Santa Cruz. I really liked them but perhaps they were just too hippy dippy to wear in Santa Cruz. What do you think?
After lunch I spent an hour in the small but very full museum which won the
Queens award for voluntary service in 2011. It paid honour to the service men of the war years.
Back in my flat I packed my bags and made my way down to the train station to await Keith’s arrival on the 7:43, the same train from Glasgow that I’d arrived in 5 days ago. There’d been some problem with the train however, and everyone had to transfer trains so I waited in a very
busy Wetherspoons. He’d travelled on 5 trains during his journey from Bath and as soon as he’d checked in at The Perle, right on the waterfront he was ready for dinner and an early night.
I like them all.
Hope that you bought the lot…
Regards to Keith.