Mondays seem to be the day of the week with the least entires in the ‘What’s on in . . .” so with little in the way of a plan other than go to Halifax and have lunch I got the train at lunchtime. I’d head of the renovation of the Square Chapel and decided to go there for lunch. The new Copper Building has been designed to link the old Square Chapel to the Piece hall and I instantly loved the place. They’ve kept the facade of the chapel but the color and design instantly attracted me. I had Malaysian chicken served with lime sauce. Each dish comes in small. medium or large portion and there’s a great selection of craft beers and ciders. I suddenly became aware of music (Jerry and the pacemakers) and wondered about that choice. I mentioned it to the guy on the adjacent table. “Oh, it’s live,” he said, “I just saw 3 old timers all dressed up in black go through the door into the chapel, ” so off I went.
Nimble feet at the summer dance party at the end of the season. Free!
Then off to find the Farrar Academy. My great great grandmother was living in the academy in 1861 as a servant but I’d not been able to find its location and I began to think the building had been demolished. But with a little help from a few people I managed to find it. It’s right next to Francis Crossley’s mansion and in the same parking lot as a church that’s now a muslim Community center. I asked a couple of guys if they knew anything about it. They didn’t, but when I showed them a diagram of the building that I’d obtained one of them helped me work it out. And i know it must be a right place because although it is now closed it had been a health centre called School House. So here Elizabeth Ann lived, coming from her birth in Lily Hall Heptonstal.

Next was a return to the Copper Building for some light refreshment about the walk to the School House. This time I sat on the balcony facing onto he street where George Gledhill, my gt gt gt grandfather had lived.

Free health advice!

The Piece hall is scheduled to reopen on August 1st. This is the main entrance! (By the next evening this ‘hole’ was a smooth concrete pavement!)
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