Life in a small town hasn’t change much in 60 years. Yes, I know that the butcher’s meat comes from real dead animals but I don’t expect coming fave to face with a dead pig, or several, on my way to the library!
First order of the day was to find a framing shop that could replace the glass in all my smashed pictures. I found one-in a former weaving shed that, yes, you’ve guessed it, the Wrigleys built. Then to clean up my kitchen for the arrival of my new chair and rug. I’d just finished sweeping the soil from last night’s fall of the hanging plant (sounds like a Halloween movie) when the chair arrived. it was a bit of a squeeze getting it in through the hallway but it was worth it. So now I have have comfy chair to sit on in the kitchen.Just before dark I went for a walk, just aiming to get a nice view of the town since it wasn’t raining, or fog-bound. I found myself on a steep road towards Old Town called Sandy Gate. I’d heard of it because people had been complaining that it hadn’t been gritted in the frosty weather, so I knew it would be very steep. Soon I was really high! I could see the lights across the valley at Lily Hall, both churches in Heptonstall and as I stopped to catch my breath three deer crossed the road in front of me. It’s a magical time of day and I felt closely connected to my ancestors.

Dear deer

Looking across to Heptonstall

Looking down into Hebden
When I back into town I picked up a library book and headed for a beer in the White Lion. Imagine my surprise when I discovered from the book that a long time ago a man had been deported for seven years for stealing a ham from that very pub. Liszt had also stayed there, and a scene from Happy Valley was shot there too.
When I got home I made a phone call to a Wrigley descendent who is now in his 90’s. He has in his possession a handwritten ledger by his grandfather, John Edward Wrigley, itemizing all the buildings that the family worked on throughout several generations. It’s a electronic copy of this book that I obtained from the Hebden Bridge family history society that has given me all the names and dates of the Wrigley buildings. Now, perhaps I’ll be able to see the actual book! Check back for updates.
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