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I began the day with coffee morning at St Paul’s, King Cross Halifax. My gt gt grandmother is buried there> couldn’t locate her grave but Father Kevin is going to help me.

A ‘real’ pancake in the Borough Market in Halifax

In the reference library I saw a flier for a walking tour of the King Cross area at 2pm. It was 1:45. I jumped on a bus and just managed to join the group as it was just setting forth from the Old St. Paul’s church – now just the spire remains. I was staggered to see how many many had shown up! It was 2 1/2 hours long and for some of the time it rained heavily.

A ‘one up, one down’ house

The tour visited the church I had been to earlier in the day! What I hadn’t noticed in the morning was the war memorial book that was actually on the page commemorating two members of the Gledhill family. Father Kevin turns the page each day, and it had just happened to be turned to the Gledhills yesterday!

The original Macintosh’s toffee factory

McVitie’s biscuits

On the spur of the moment I decided to see if there were any seats still available for Twelfth Night at the Town Hall courtyard in Hebden Bridge. It was a wonderful production by 5 performers who were also skilled musicians on multiple instruments. It was sad to see such a sparse audience but a whole troop of boy scouts came for the first half.
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This is Mary at St. Paul’s King Cross describing the area of one up, one down houses where the Gledhills lived in the mid to late 1800s.
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